Sports in Malaga: a calendar to keep fit on your holidays

Sports in Malaga: a calendar to keep fit on your holidays

Among the many privileges that adorn Malaga are its infinite possibilities for practising sport. The magnificent weather allows us to do a multitude of outdoor sports activities, but there are also indoor options. But there are also indoor options. Would you like to know them all?

Malaga, a runner’s paradise

Running is probably one of the most popular sports on our coast. On our kilometres of seafront promenade it is common to see lots of runners enjoying the wonderful scenery while they exercise. But there are more places than just the coastline where you can run in the city..

Where to run?

If you’re just starting out in running and don’t need to cover many kilometres, we recommend Malaga Park. Running through the many gardens that adorn this promenade is a pleasure for the eyes, and at the same time you won’t be far from the city centre. Nearby, or as a complement to this run, you can run along the port, which has a very wide promenade where walkers and runners mix naturally and don’t bother each other. If you feel like running uphill and you’re already trained for it, the Montes de Málaga are a perfect area for you. And, going back to the seafront, we recommend the Malagueta: you’re going to love it.

Hiking: another sporting option you can try here

Nuestra provincia tiene mucha montaña, así que quienes tengan ganas de patearse los montes tienen muchísimas opciones. Muy cerca de la capital están los Montes de Málaga, de los que hemos hablado antes, que cuentan con numerosos recorridos aptos para los más andarines. Pero la oferta es tan grande que nos llevaría un artículo entero desarrollarla. Dos pinceladas: el Espacio Ecocultural Conviven te ofrece varias, distintas en función de la dificultad. La otra: si vas con niños, el diario Sur te da doce rutas sencillas y agradables para hacer con ellos.

Our province has a lot of mountains, so there are plenty of options for those who feel like hiking in the mountains. Very close to the capital are the Montes de Málaga, which we mentioned earlier, and which have numerous routes suitable for walkers. But there is so much on offer that it would take a whole article to go into it all. Two hints: the Espacio Ecocultural Conviven offers several of them, depending on the difficulty. The other: if you go with children, the Sur newspaper gives you twelve simple and pleasant routes to do with them.

Do you play paddle tennis? You are in luck

Sí, porque entre los deportes en Málaga el pádel está entre los primeros. Hay numerosas pistas en las que podrás practicarlo. El club de pádel Miraflores, por ejemplo, está muy cerca de algunos de nuestros apartamentos y abre cada día de 9 a 23 horas. Pero también cuentas con El Cónsul, que tiene pistas cubiertas, o con el St. George’s Sport Club, que cuenta con reservas online. ¡La oferta es amplísima! Pregúntanos si estás interesado en alquilar una pista y te daremos las alternativas más cómodas para ti.

Yes, because paddle tennis is one of the top sports in Malaga. There are numerous courts where you can practise it. The Miraflores paddle tennis club, for example, is very close to some of our flats and is open every day from 9am to 11pm. But there is also El Cónsul, which has indoor courts, or the St. George’s Sport Club, which has online reservations. The offer is huge! Ask us if you are interested in renting a court and we will give you the most comfortable alternatives for you.

And, of course, there is also tennis

Casi cada club deportivo que cuenta con pistas de pádel ofrece también pistas de tenis. El Club de Tenis Málaga es un espacio ideal para practicar tu deporte favorito. Si además vienes en verano, tienes una magnífica piscina en la que refrescarte después. Y un restaurante en el que probar especialidades malagueñas, para que el día sea perfecto.

Almost every sports club with padel courts also offers tennis courts. The Malaga Tennis Club is an ideal place to practice your favourite sport. If you also come in summer, you have a magnificent swimming pool where you can cool off afterwards. And a restaurant where you can try Malaga specialities to make the day perfect.

Do you like horse riding?

Horse riding is another sport you can practise in Malaga. Do you like the idea? In the city, but also in the rest of the province, there are specialised centres where you can enjoy a ride on the back of a horse. In the capital itself, and close to some of our flats, you have the Malaga Equestrian Club. And, if the rest of your companions don’t want to ride a horse, you have alternative activities: swimming pool, farm school, sports tracks… For horse riding fans, there is a jumping track, a training track, a bullfighting arena… In short, lots of options for a great day out.

Swimming (in the pool)

Obviously, the sea is one of our greatest treasures. However, when it comes to swimming, the weather is not always suitable. An indoor swimming pool is the solution. The ACB Aviva! is just a stone’s throw from some of our accommodation, and is one of the sports centres with an indoor pool. You also have, for example, the O2 Wellness Center, which specialises in aquatic activities. And there are many more. Ask us when you book your accommodation and we will advise you.

Water sports: choose yours!

Of course, you couldn’t miss the sports that are practised in the sea! Malaga has a privileged coastline, where you can do almost anything.

Surfing in the capital

Yes, yes, and very close to some of our flats. In El Candado Club, in the area of El Palo, there is a beach where the easterly and westerly winds are very favourable and allow the practice of this sport. If wetsuits and boards are your thing, there are other areas where you can ride the waves. Vélez-Málaga, half an hour from the capital, and Marbella, about the same distance away, but in the opposite direction, have magnificent spots for surfers.

Windsurfing and more

Fancy a windsurfing or kitesurfing course? Then count on it. There are several schools in the capital; for example, the Read Blue Racing Works, which offers courses for all levels. And, of course, you can’t miss SUP (stand up paddle), which is riding through calm waters on a board with a long paddle. It’s a fashionable sport, which a lot of celebrities have been practising lately, so come and join in!


If your thing is to navigate the waters (rough or calm) aboard a canoe, don’t worry, because there are plenty of places where you can do it. La Viñuela is one of those places that every expert in the sport recommends, but there are many more. And, of course, there are schools that rent the equipment and offer courses for beginners or experts. In Yumping you have a wide range of options, so you can choose the modality that best suits you.


Sailing is another of the sports with great popularity in our capital. Not in vain, when Madrid made its bid as an Olympic city, Malaga was its headquarters for nautical sports; among them, sailing. Therefore, the experience among our sailors is of proven quality. Where to practice it? In many places, but the Malaga Sailing School has 10-hour courses where you can feel the sea breeze as you sail.


Diving off our coast is famous. So, whether you bring your wetsuit or not, don’t worry, because you can go to numerous centres where you can practice scuba diving. The Arrecife club offers everything from courses to dives in very attractive spots along the coast.


We have already talked briefly about golf as a tourist attraction in Marbella, in our post dedicated to excursions outside the capital. But within the capital, and very close to our accommodation, you have the El Candado Golf Club, which has 9 holes and more than 2,300 metres of course. Another option, always within the city, is the Real Club de Campo Málaga, which is, by the way, the oldest club in Andalusia and the birthplace of golf in these lands. It is also home to the Parador de Golf, where you can enjoy a good lunch. And very close by you have the Plaza Mayor shopping centre, a huge space with shops of all kinds for your companions to spend the day while you practice on the grass.

Do you like our sports offer? If there is a sport that you would like to practice and you haven’t found it here, ask us. We are sure we have it. See you soon!

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