Plans with children in Malaga

Plans with children in Malaga

Travelling with children can be a challenge when it comes to finding things to do. When you have at your disposal a variety of plans with children in the city you are visiting, everything flows much better. Because we can’t forget about them. And it’s even better if you can integrate them into a plan of activities for the whole family.

It often happens to us at WonderStays: families who come to Malaga and need to know what they can do with their children. Well, we have prepared this post for all of them. And also for you: if you decide to come to visit the city and you’re going with the little ones, keep them in mind so that they can have fun too.

Interactive Music Museum of Malaga

In the city centre, surrounded by other important museums, is the MIMMA. This museum comes from a private collection of instruments, but beyond that, it is a sensory experience for the little ones: in different rooms they will be able to do experiments, play some of the instruments exhibited for that purpose and attend workshops or storytelling. In addition, throughout the visit, they will be able to solve small tests and doubts thanks to the interactive screens scattered throughout the space. One of the museums most specifically dedicated to children, well worth a visit.

Bicycle tour

If the weather is fine (and it often is in Malaga), you can sign up for a bike tour with Malaga Bike Tours. For three hours, their guides will take you through the most emblematic places in the city centre while you take a pleasant bike ride. The difficulty is minimal, as the entire route is flat, so it’s perfect for the little ones. In any case, child seats, children’s bikes and tandem trailers are available. This way, all your needs are covered. A combination of sport and culture that will delight everyone.

Segway, a great alternative

The Segway, this two-wheeled vehicle that has become so fashionable lately, can be a tempting alternative. At Segway Malaga Experience you can make your reservation online and adapt your visit to your preferences. Children will love this different way of touring a city.

The Alcazaba and Gibralfaro

Si hay un conjunto monumental que a los peques más aventureros les puede encantar, ese es el formado por la Alcazaba más el castillo de Gibralfaro. La Alcazaba era la fortificación que protegía la zona, y el castillo de Gibralfaro se encuentra en la parte más alta del monte del mismo nombre. Existen visitas guiadas que, por un precio muy pequeño, muestran los monumentos y explican las costumbres ancestrales de aquellos siglos en que fueron utilizados. Seguro que a los peques les encantará pasear por entre las torres y murallas de un lugar preeminente en nuestra historia.

If there is a monumental complex that the more adventurous children will love, it is the Alcazaba and Gibralfaro Castle. The Alcazaba was the fortification that protected the area, and the Gibralfaro Castle is located on the highest part of the mountain of the same name. There are guided tours that, for a very small fee, show the monuments and explain the ancestral customs of the centuries in which they were used. The kids are sure to love strolling among the towers and walls of a pre-eminent place in our history.

Malaga Pompidou Centre

At the Centre Pompidou, the museum under the mythical cube of Muelle Uno, the activity is unstoppable. Alongside its semi-permanent exhibition (recently inaugurated), there are always two other spaces. One is the temporary exhibition, currently dedicated to Daniel Buren. The other is the so-called Space for Young Audiences. Here you will always find an interactive exhibition made for the youngest visitors, which never disappoints. Currently, until 21 May, you can enjoy El blobterre, by Matali Crasset. This blobterre is inhabited by a half-human, half-flower child, who is in charge of explaining this new world, in which the vegetable has gained ground over the urban. A very playful way of making children aware of the need to preserve the environment. No parent should miss the Pompidou’s spectacular exhibitions for children.

The Palm Grove of Surprises

Before or after a visit to the Pompidou, the little ones can enjoy one of the city’s most popular free activities: the Palm Grove of Surprises. It runs along the length of Quai deux, and ends at the museum. Along this route through the vegetation you will find lots of children’s areas with attractions for the little ones, fun fountains… In short, as the name suggests, there are plenty of surprises to keep the kids entertained for a long time. A way for them to channel their inexhaustible energy and feel that the city also belongs to them.

The Aula del Mar

Halfway between Pier Two and Pier One we find the Alborania Museum or Aula del Mar. There, families can learn about the most incredible inhabitants of the seabed, the treasures hidden in the oceans and many other surprises. And if that wasn’t enough, you can combine a fun workshop with a boat trip that will delight everyone

Science Museum

Do you have a son or daughter with a passion for science? Don’t worry, we have plans for them too. The Principia Science Museum is designed to get them excited about mankind’s great discoveries. And there is everything: from exhibitions on major events to astronomical observations. It’s impossible to get bored in a place like this.

Saturdays at the Picasso Birthplace

There are plans with children that involve the parents and some that allow us to do other things while they enjoy themselves. The latter is the case of the Picasso Foundation. The artist’s Birthplace Museum has the so-called Saturdays at the Birthplace. From 11 am to 1 pm, and until full capacity is reached, the little ones do fun crafts related to the work of Picasso. Two hours that parents (of children over 5 years old) can take advantage of to visit the museum or take a stroll through the historic centre.

Cooking workshops

Another great plan that you might love is to sign up for a cooking workshop. But which one? One for adults? One just for children? Cooking Málaga has the solution. They have workshops for children and families at your disposal. In other words, everyone will enjoy cooking there. The duration is two hours, but we assure you that it will be very short, so let them bring out their most creative side in the kitchen!

‘Escape room’: let them play detective

Una de las actividades de ocio más de moda hoy son los escape rooms. Por si no lo conoces, te lo contamos: durante 60 minutos, un pequeño grupo de personas entra en una habitación, de la que solo podrá salir si resuelve el misterio que se encierra en ella. O, en el caso de fracasar, si pasan los 60 minutos previstos. Hay montones de escape rooms en Málaga, pero La casa de las habitaciones tiene el aliciente de que adapta sus habitaciones a los más pequeños si estos desean participar. Si son muy pequeños quizá no es el plan más apetecible, pero a partir de 9 o 10 años, si les acompañan adultos, se lo pueden pasar genial. Porque se trata de resolver enigmas de todo tipo para dar con la solución. Y el hecho de ir contra el reloj le añade una dosis de adrenalina increíble.

One of the most fashionable leisure activities today are escape rooms. In case you don’t know it, we’ll tell you about it: for 60 minutes, a small group of people enter a room, from which they can only get out if they solve the mystery that is enclosed in it. Or, in the case of failure, if the 60 minutes pass. There are lots of escape rooms in Malaga, but La casa de las habitaciones has the added attraction of adapting its rooms for children if they wish to participate. If they are very young it may not be the most appealing plan, but from 9 or 10 years old, if they are accompanied by adults, they can have a great time. Because it’s all about solving puzzles of all kinds to find the solution. And the fact of going against the clock adds an incredible dose of adrenaline.

What plans are there for children this holiday season?

If you happen to have travelled to Malaga at Christmas time, you will also find a lot of specific plans made specifically for these holidays. We talked about many of them in our post about Christmas plans, but in this link of La Diversiva, a website dedicated to leisure for families, you’ll find everything that’s going on in Malaga at Christmas. Take a look!

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